icon Sitchin & Velikovsky

Copyright 1997-99 Educate-Yourself, (cont.)

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Zecharia Sitchin & Immanuel Velikovsky

Concerning the origins of the human race and the earlier make up of our solar system, Zecharia Sitchin and Immanuel Velikovsky have been prophets in the wilderness. Sitchin has published 7 books chronicling the story of the Anunnaki. 5 books are part of a group he calls *The Earth Chronicles , as well as Genesis Revisited, and Divine Encounters. Sitchin presents strong archaeological and ancient text evidentiary support to the thesis he puts forth in The 12Th Planet: namely, the Anunnaki /Nefilim were, in fact, the gods of Greek; Sumerian; Egyptian; African, and Indian Mythology. So called Mythological gods were in fact, real living aliens with advanced technological capabilities, superhuman physical prowess, and were capable of living very long life spans. The power struggles, conspiracies, betrayals, jealousies, rivalries, etc. which ensued among these gods while they occupied Earth constitute the tales of mythological lore.

Immanuel Velikovsky was a Russian writer/researcher who was belittled by the orthodox scientific community (led by Carl Sagan) in the early 50's for his theories about the earlier planetary configuration of our solar system and the unmistakable evidence of cataclysmic upheavals and previous Pole shifts here on Earth. Today, corroborating evidence by many other investigators (E.g. Charles Ginenthal) has shown that Velikovsky was correct in the majority of his theories. Velikovsky's books include Worlds in Collision (1950), Ages in Chaos (1952), and Earth in Upheaval (1955).

*The Earth Chronicles refers to a group of 5 books by Zecharia Sitchin:1.The 12th Planet (1976) 2. The Stairway to Heaven (1983) 3. The Wars of Gods and Men (1985) 4. The Lost Realms (1990) 5. When Time Began (1993)

Copyright Educate-Yourself, Inc. 1997, 1998, 1999
For more information, contact:

Ken Adachi@
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