Spy Satellite Galaxy IV
- Disabled Spy Satellite Threatens Earth
January 26, 2008
- The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it
might come down. The spacecraft contains hydrazine _ which is rocket fuel. Hydrazine, a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like
odor, is a toxic chemical and can cause harm to anyone who contacts it. Spy satellites typically are disposed of through a
controlled re-entry into the ocean so that no one else can access the spacecraft.
- AF General: Spy Satellite Could Hit US
Jan 30, 2008
- The U.S. military is developing contingency plans to deal with the possibility that a large spy satellite expected to fall to Earth in
late February or early March could hit North America. The size of the satellite suggests that some number of pieces will not burn
up as the orbiting vehicle re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and will hit the ground. The spy satellite is designated by the military
as US 193. It was launched in December 2006 but almost immediately lost power and cannot be controlled. It carried a
sophisticated and secret imaging sensor but the satellite's central computer failed shortly after launch.