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ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes
written Dec 15, 2006

I try to check the live seismographs daily, and noted an increased in general activity, wobbles, small globals, a general restlessness that does not seem to go away. This has been going on for the past 2-3 months. I checked, comparing this time frame, Sep 15 to Dec 15, a year ago to the same months this year, and found a significant increase in quakes over Richter 6, even given the USGS's tendency to dumb down the Richter of quakes to make it look, statistically, as though nothing were going on. There were 31 quakes in 2005, compared to 46 in 2006. In particular, the N American continent looks very unstable, wobbly in the Black Hills and the like. What's going on?

We have mentioned that the steady approach of Planet X, as it slings toward the hapless Earth trapped in front of it, will only increase the pace and severity of Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, tears in the stretch zones, and the pending diagonal rip of the N American continent. Where such activity was more lineal in years past, it will become exponential at some point, and this turning point has already arrived. Several factors add to the stress Planet X is experiencing.

The closer Planet X comes, the more intense the Earth wobble becomes. The intensity of the magnetic field surrounding Planet X increasingly engages the magnetic field of Earth, and as these two magnetic planets are not aligned with each other at present, the stress is obviously going to be visited on the lesser planet, Earth. As we have explained, the Earth wobble is caused primarily by the N Pole of Earth being pushed away when it presents during the daily rotation of Earth. The geographic and magnetic poles of Earth do not align, so this presentation occurs when the land above Alaska and eastern Siberia are facing the Sun, each day. This causes the Earth to wobble like a spinning top about to slow down and fall onto its side. Seen from above the N Pole, this would look like a figure 8, well documented by Nancy and friends from around the world as a sunrise or set with an azimuth too far North or South. The wobble pattern does not change as it intensifies. It increases in force and scope. The push is stronger and faster, and the swing back likewise stronger and faster. And the degree of wobble, how far the Earth swings, will steadily increase.

The Earth wobble is palpable, measurable, and can be documented to show the figure 8, as Nancy has shown. It also affects weather, making temperature swings increasingly more extreme. We have predicted that the seasons will almost seem to blend into each other before the pole shift arrives, and this trend will increase. The reason for the weather wobbles, as we have called them, is the Earth moving under its mantle of air. What is a storm, or high winds, if not air moving over the Earth rapidly? If the Earth moves under the air, the effect is the same. Sudden high winds, more intense winds, tornadoes outside of where normally expected, all of these will increasingly occur. Matters such as cold or warm air masses, arriving where not expected and lingering longer then expected, will occur. If the wobble pushes a spot on the Earth under a high pressure air mass, and then wobbles back, it will tend to drag that high pressure air along with it, especially if the return spot is dealing with low pressure. If both spots, the wobble and the return, are high pressure, this pressure builds, creating the potential for high winds releasing this pressure outside of what normal weather patterns would produce. The wobble likewise can and does interfere with flow patterns that deliver rain inland, as is occurring in Australia. This can cut both ways, with drought and deluge increasing, as we predicted in 1995.

Beyond the Earth wobble, stress on the Earth's crust is occurring because the Earth is being battered by other planets caught in what we call the cup, the eddy flow of particles coming round Planet X from the Sun, creating strong flow at the sides in a pincer-like manner and roiling back into this cup, such that planets such as Earth, Venus, and the dark twin are caught in this cup and cannot proceed in their orbits. They are trapped. If the Earth wobble is causing weather wobbles, it is not particularly stressful on the crust as the Earth as a whole is moving back and forth. The stress on the crust increases as the wobble increases in force, of course, as at the turnaround point the Earth is stopped and then pushed in the opposite direction, but as this moves like a figure 8, it is more like going around a curve than hitting a wall and bouncing off this wall. But what occurs when several planets caught in the cup start bouncing off each other, like balls trapped in a container being rattled? As Planet X approaches, the cup tightens, as at a distance the particle flows coming round its sides could disburse, but when near, these flows are intense and thus pinching the hapless planets in a tighter and tighter pinch. The sweeping arms of the Sun, occurring several times a year and the reason for all the planets in the solar system moving obediently in a counterclockwise orbit around the Sun, did not cause such a clash until the dark twin came up behind the Earth, as it has. Stalled in her orbit, Earth found her dark twin promptly coming up behind her in 2004, creating a ricochet effect during the sweeps. But the effect of having 3 planets crowded into the cup, in front of an increasingly looming and large Planet X, is more than a bump. It has a rattling effect, bumping back and forth. It is this effect that Nancy has noticed on the live seismographs.

So the approach of Planet X is causing an Earth wobble, weather wobbles, and now an almost continuous rattling effect because the cup is tightening and the planets caught in the cup rattling about in the cup. But the stress on the Earth crust as the monster Planet X approaches is primarily due to the tugging on the Atlantic Rift, a phenomena which expressed itself in early 2003. The Atlantic Rift is fresh magma, hardened mostly during prior pole shifts when the Atlantic was ripped apart, and thus is essentially a magnet on the surface of the Earth. As we have explained, magnets like to stay aligned with each other, sharing their magnetic fields in a larger field, or at least not in contention with each other. In these matters, the larger bully dominates, and between the Earth and Planet X, this is most certainly the monster Planet X. This demand, that the Earth align with Planet X, is certainly only going to increase as Planet X looms closer, ultimately resulting in a stopped rotation for almost a week prior to the pole shift. The tugging on the Atlantic Rift occurs essentially at the Face and Dark points, when the Atlantic Rift is either facing Planet X and the Sun, or in opposition. This is why intense global quakes tend to register at 0:00 UTC or 12:00 UTC. The effect of this twice-daily tugging is to pull the Atlantic apart, and to compress the Pacific, as when the Atlantic Rift is in the Face position at noon UTC, the Earth's rotation continues, thus pulling the Atlantic apart. Likewise, a stalled Atlantic Rift is creating a pileup behind it, in the Pacific. The effect on the Earth's plates is to increase continental drift, or rip as we prefer to call it. And after months and years of this type of tugging, the edges of the plates have worn smooth, rock fingers breaking off, so rapid and dramatic movements of the plates are now possible.

What will happen to the Earth, wobbling in an increasingly forceful figure 8 and being jerked back by a twice daily tug on the Atlantic Rift and body slammed by the other planets in the cup when they come too close, invoking the gravity Repulsion Force? Certainly her plates will move, and where this occurs in subduction zones, jolting quakes and volcanic activity will follow. And where this occurs in stretch zones, the sinking and thinning ground will create chaos for cities or infrastructure above and will also allow magma to bubble up to the surface. The quakes are quickening.

As we have stated in detailing the Earth Torque, wherein New England is pulled toward the East and Mexico toward the West, pulling the N American continent in a diagonal, fault lines will not be stressed in their traditional ways, but in new ways, during the coming months. East of the Mississippi, going up, West of the Mississippi, going down. In a similar manner, the fault line from San Diego to Mammoth, and on up toward Yellowstone, will find the land South going West, with Mexico, and North staying with the land above this fault.
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live,
written Sep 9, 2006
What does this do to the N. American plate? This does more than tear most of the bridges along the Mississippi. It weakens the land to the West of the Mississippi, causing it to drop. The land to the East of the Mississippi is rock, the bluffs of Memphis and underlying rock where the Appalachian Mountains curl through Tennessee and Alabama toward the Mississippi river. But the land south of the Ozarks is not solid rock, and when stretched will drop in elevation.This is already occurring.
ZetaTalk: Water Tree,
written Aug 16, 2006.
The stress on the N American plate will resolve by ripping. Ripping the St. Lawrence Seaway open. Pulling the SE down into the crumbling Caribbean and into the widening Atlantic. The notable area of catastrophe during this is the eastern half of the continental US. From Houston to Chicago to New England, the diagonal pull will tear the underpinning of cities and create a catastrophe for the US. The tearing of the Seaway does not end at Duluth, MN, it travels underground to S Dakota!
ZetaTalk: N American Rip,
written Feb 10, 2006
Date       Time             Lat       Lon  Depth   Mag Magt  Nst Gap  Clo  RMS  SRC   Event ID
2006/09/16 09:45:23.91  -3.0800  129.4410  17.00  6.30   Mw  209          1.16  NEI 200609162026
2006/09/17 09:34:14.06 -31.7450  -67.1760 141.80  6.20   Mw  371          1.07  NEI 200609172034
2006/09/21 18:54:50.05  -9.0500  110.3650  25.00  6.00   Mw  237          1.13  NEI 200609212051
2006/09/22 02:32:25.64 -26.8680  -63.1490 598.30  6.00   Mw  495          0.82  NEI 200609222006
2006/09/28 06:22:09.73 -16.5920 -172.0330  28.00  6.90   Mw  702          0.92  NEI 200609282024
2006/09/29 13:08:26.17  10.8760  -61.7560  53.10  6.10   Mw  595          0.92  NEI 200609292044
2006/09/30 16:26:56.07 -15.5880  -73.1590 106.60  6.00   Mw  333          0.80  NEI 200609302060
2006/09/30 17:50:23.05  46.3510  153.1660  11.00  6.60   Mw  603          1.01  NEI 200609302062
2006/09/30 17:56:16.10  46.1850  153.1690  10.00  6.00   Mw  356          1.06  NEI 200609302063
2006/10/01 09:06:02.32  46.4700  153.2400  19.00  6.60   Mw  628          0.89  NEI 200610012045
2006/10/03 18:03:14.58 -18.8690  169.0030 171.40  6.30   Mw  426          1.08  NEI 200610032057
2006/10/09 10:01:46.72  20.6520  120.0160  10.00  6.30   Mw  440          0.86  NEI 200610092030
2006/10/10 08:02:51.95 -56.1010 -122.3730  10.00  6.00   Mw  162          1.25  NEI 200610102029
2006/10/10 23:58:04.17  37.1970  142.6630  10.00  6.00   Mw  437          0.86  NEI 200610102077
2006/10/12 18:05:58.24 -31.3020  -71.3290  45.90  6.40   Mw  375          1.04  NEI 200610122073
2006/10/13 13:47:39.89  46.2520  153.2790   8.00  6.30   Mw  388          1.05  NEI 200610132059
2006/10/15 17:07:49.22  19.8787 -155.9367  39.06  6.70   x    43 124   24 0.09  HV       5532127
2006/10/15 17:14:12.07  20.1290 -155.9857  18.92  6.00   x    40 153   22 0.12  HV       6000471
2006/10/17 01:25:12.23  -5.8810  150.9820  32.00  6.70   Mw  533          1.02  NEI 200610172002
2006/10/18 10:45:32.93 -15.0530  167.2660 115.00  6.30   Mw  303          1.39  NEI 200610182030
2006/10/20 10:48:56.01 -13.4570  -76.6770  23.00  6.70   Mw  444          0.97  NEI 200610202039
2006/10/22 08:55:16.76 -45.7270   95.9870  10.00  6.00   Mw  159          1.19  NEI 200610222029
2006/10/23 21:17:19.98  29.3510  140.2700  11.00  6.40   Mw  427          1.15  NEI 200610232069
2006/10/24 03:03:45.28   4.8980  125.2950  10.00  6.10   Mw  167          1.33  NEI 200610242007
2006/10/26 22:54:32.32 -13.3710  -76.6180  28.10  6.00   Mw  319          0.96  NEI 200610262069
2006/11/06 20:56:48.76  -5.4230  146.6580 111.20  6.00   Mw  181          1.21  NEI 200611061043
2006/11/07 17:38:33.55  -6.4690  151.1720  10.00  6.50   Mw  272          1.12  NEI 200611071038
2006/11/12 18:21:25.86  -6.2140  151.0100  12.00  6.20   Mw  354          0.97  NEI 200611121039
2006/11/13 01:26:34.32 -26.0550  -63.2430 553.20  6.80   Mw  353          0.87  NEI 200611131002
2006/11/13 16:12:28.88  -6.3790  151.2250  11.00  6.20   Mw  272          0.81  NEI 200611131036
2006/11/14 14:21:01.95  -6.4150  127.9850 351.90  6.10   Mw  187          0.89  NEI 200611141029
2006/11/15 11:14:17.82  46.5700  153.2910  38.90  8.30   Mw  442          0.96  NEI 200611151029
2006/11/15 11:28:38.46  46.0860  154.0990  10.00  6.00   Mb  283          0.87  NEI 200611151035
2006/11/15 11:29:22.78  46.3320  154.4840  10.00  6.20   Mb  257          1.07  NEI 200611151036
2006/11/15 11:34:58.17  46.6400  155.3120  10.00  6.50   Mb  419          0.82  NEI 200611151039
2006/11/15 11:40:55.12  46.4850  154.7290  10.00  6.40   Mb  363          0.94  NEI 200611151041
2006/11/16 20:29:55.31 -51.9990  139.1310  10.00  6.10   Mw   46          1.14  NEI 200611161151
2006/11/17 18:03:13.80  28.5760  129.9090  32.30  6.20   Mw  308          0.94  NEI 200611171064
2006/11/19 18:57:33.52  -4.5290 -104.8400  10.00  6.00   Mw  143          1.18  NEI 200611191050
2006/11/29 01:32:18.54   2.5490  128.2970  39.00  6.20   Mw  144          1.18  NEI 200611291002
2006/11/30 11:33:17.31 -21.3280 -174.6960  17.20  6.00   Mw  176          1.17  NEI 200611301007
2006/11/30 21:20:11.21 -53.9920 -133.8720  10.00  6.20   Mw   55          1.33  NEI 200611301011
2006/12/01 03:58:21.65   3.3890   99.0750 204.30  6.30   Mw  294          0.86  NEI 200612011002
2006/12/01 14:01:48.15  -8.1970  118.8050  47.70  6.30   Mw  128          1.07  NEI 200612011006
2006/12/07 19:10:19.87  46.2300  154.3060   2.20  6.30   Mw  147          0.92  NEI 200612071010
2006/12/12 15:48:03.19   3.7320  124.6800 213.70  6.30   Mw  159          0.90  NEI 200612121004
Date       Time             Lat       Lon  Depth   Mag Magt  Nst Gap  Clo  RMS  SRC   Event ID
2005/09/21 02:25:08.11  43.8920  146.1450 103.00  6.10   Mw  594          0.74  NEI 200509214004
2005/09/25 12:55:46.60 -17.5150  167.8010  30.00  6.10   Mw  275          1.08  NEI 200509254073
2005/09/26 01:55:37.67  -5.6780  -76.3980 115.00  7.50   Mw  696          0.88  NEI 200509264007
2005/09/29 15:50:24.03  -5.4370  151.8400  25.00  6.60   Mw  402          0.87  NEI 200509294041
2005/09/29 18:23:25.98  -5.5630  151.8650  28.00  6.20   Mw  312          1.08  NEI 200509294052
2005/10/05 10:07:22.37 -20.5350 -174.2770  15.00  6.00   Mw  438          0.88  NEI 200510052016
2005/10/08 03:50:40.80  34.5390   73.5880  26.00  7.60   Mw  724          0.90  NEI 200510082006
2005/10/08 10:46:28.79  34.7330   73.1000   8.00  6.40   Mw  471          0.98  NEI 200510082130
2005/10/15 10:06:17.01  46.8160  154.1130  42.80  6.10   Mw  604          0.82  NEI 200510152041
2005/10/15 15:51:07.21  25.3210  123.3560 183.40  6.50   Mw  705          0.84  NEI 200510152051
2005/10/19 11:44:42.79  36.4050  140.8390  32.00  6.40   Mw  527          0.80  NEI 200510192051
2005/10/23 10:08:14.74  37.3770  134.5560 380.70  6.00   Mw  534          0.76  NEI 200510232036
2005/10/29 04:05:56.04 -45.2140   96.8980   8.00  6.50   Mw  416          0.83  NEI 200510292017
2005/11/05 10:48:21.28  -3.1610  148.1380  25.00  6.40   Mw  133          1.24  NEI 200511052035
2005/11/14 21:38:51.42  38.1070  144.8960  11.00  7.00   Mw  699          0.86  NEI 200511142059
2005/11/17 19:26:56.43 -22.3190  -67.8870 162.60  6.90   Mw  503          0.88  NEI 200511172050
2005/11/19 14:10:13.03   2.1640   96.7860  21.00  6.50   Mw  358          0.98  NEI 200511192032
2005/11/20 12:53:02.95  53.8430 -164.0930  30.00  6.20   Mw  616          1.04  NEI 200511202035
2005/11/21 15:36:30.98  31.0190  129.9970 145.00  6.20   Mw  566          0.91  NEI 200511212051
2005/11/22 15:11:31.58  -5.1540  145.2840  68.00  6.20   Mw  172          0.98  NEI 200511222034
2005/11/27 10:22:19.19  26.7740   55.8580  10.00  6.00   Mw  637          1.06  NEI 200511272026
2005/11/28 16:41:32.54  20.2880  146.0370  41.00  6.00   Mw  297          0.87  NEI 200511282056
2005/11/30 16:53:42.47   6.2700  124.0290  13.00  6.30   Mw  178          1.12  NEI 200511302041
2005/12/02 13:13:09.52  38.0890  142.1220  29.00  6.50   Mw  464          0.79  NEI 200512022047
2005/12/03 16:10:42.40  29.3370  130.2590  47.90  6.00   Mw  378          0.78  NEI 200512032051
2005/12/05 12:19:56.62  -6.2240   29.8300  22.00  6.80   Mw  561          0.98  NEI 200512052037
2005/12/07 23:32:51.55 -30.0120 -177.6370  21.00  6.40   Mw  340          0.98  NEI 200512072068
2005/12/08 09:01:27.11  -5.4080  146.9530 216.80  6.10   Mw  431          0.85  NEI 200512082030
2005/12/11 14:20:43.79  -6.5680  152.1950  10.00  6.60   Mw  454          0.79  NEI 200512112041
2005/12/12 21:47:46.07  36.3570   71.0930 224.60  6.50   Mw  529          0.81  NEI 200512122051
2005/12/13 03:16:06.38 -15.2650 -178.5710  10.00  6.70   Mw  322          1.16  NEI 200512132015