____________________________________Articles by Subject_____________________________________
Pole Shift
5/23/2003 White Lie
5/30/2003 Earth Changes
9/28/2003 Power Outages
Whomping Sounds
10/17/2003 Why May 15?
10/24/2003 Solar Cover
10/31/2003 Solar Opportunists
11/15/2003 Decision Time
11/16/2003 Planet X Personas
12/05/2003 Yellowstone
12/27/2003 Travel Blocks
1/1/2004 Unshakable Grip
4/05/2004 Passover
5/1/2004 Torque Effect
5/15/2004 The Long Wait
5/15/2004 No Surprise
5/18/2004 The Long Year
6/27/2004 Lockdown
7/06/2004 Tail Debris
7/17/2004 Earth Wobble
7/26/2004 Sunrise West
9/11/2004 Stretch Zone
9/19/2004 Monster Cometh
9/30/2004 3 Days of Darkness
10/19/2004 Dance Begins
10/25/2004 Small Plane Crashes
11/12/2004 Solar Minimum?
11/19/2004 Drunken Lurch
Twirling into Darkness
12/06/2004 Weather Wobble
12/16/2004 Winter Solstice
12/18/2004 Potter's Wheel
12/28/2004 Magma Slam
1/2/2005 Hell Unleashed
1/20/2005 Sequence of Events
1/20/2005 Clear Message
1/23/2005 Snap, Crackle and Pop
2/5/2005 Where is Planet X?
3/11/2005 Moon Dance
3/18/2005 Proof Exists
4/07/2005 Tail Returns
4/16/2005 Earth on the Rack
5/21/2005 Threshold Crossed
5/25/2005 Jet Stream Tornadoes
6/09/2005 Folding Pacific
6/11/2005 Trend Lines
7/18/2005 Signs of Change
7/29/2005 Weather Extremes
9/02/2005 New Orleans, a Preview
10/1/2005 Stretch Stench
Disaster Movies
12/07/2005 Lean to the Left
12/11/2005 Sun Scald
2/01/2006 Siberian Freeze
N American Rip
3/8/2006 Tail Wafting
3/9/2006 Dragon's Claw
4/03/2006 Dead on and Deadly
8/16/2006 Water Tree
10/28/2006 Exponential
12/15/2006 Quickening Quakes
1/08/2007 Earth Farts
2/01/2007 Horizon Project
8/02/2007 Minneapolis Bridge
9/20/2007 Peru Meteor Sickness
12/21/2007 Christmas Hammer
12/27/2007 Planet X Right
1/05/2008 Mercury's Shroud
1/31/2008 Alexandria Cables
2/02/2008 Dubai Cables
2/16/2008 Blackberry Outages
4/26/2008 Reno Swarms
6/3/2009 Air France 447
8/29/2009 Second Sun Returns
9/12/2009 Pole Shift Timeline
9/30/2009 Severe Wobble
10/29/2009 Magnetic Twist
11/11/2009 Brazil Blackout
12/05/2009 SOHO Says So
1/25/2010 Radar Circles
1/25/2010 NASA Cover-up
1/27/2010 Moons Astray
2/25/2010 Future Maps
4/28/2010 NASA's Movies
4/29/2010 High Drama
5/04/2010 Blue Clues
8/14/2010 Last Weeks Countdown
10/16/2010 7 of 10 Sequence
8/25/2011 Wobble Sloshing
8/28/2011 Trumpets and Howls
9/12/2011 Venus, Dark Twin Looming
including Slowing
6/13/2003 Countdown Minutes
6/16/2003 Time Differences
6/29/2003 Slowing Confusion
10/14/2003 Slowing Determination

9/02/2003 Rotting Bodies
Survivor Allegiance
12/06/2003 Spontaneous Groups
1/10/2004 Elite Enclaves
1/12/2004 What the Heart Seeks
5/04/2005 Exploding Toads
12/15/2007 Sharing Supplies

1/06/2006 Space Dust, Alive?
10/14/2006 Incarnation Focus

6/06/2003 Sign to Mankind
3/20/2004 Booth Blunder
5/4/2004 10.5
6/03/2004 UFO's on Film
6/08/2004 June Incoming
10/25/2004 Lights in the Sky
3/11/2005 Info or Disinfo?
2/27/2005 ABC Special
5/27/2005 Prophet Yehwah
7/08/2005 War of the Worlds
11/16/2005 Not Just UFOs!
12/11/2005 Serpo Exchange
5/13/2006 China Mirage
8/05/2006 Zhuge Liang
9/30/2006 Lou Famoso
11/02/2006 Hercolubus
1/06/2007 UFO's in the News
2/10/2007 Phoenix Lights
including Crop Circles
8/08/2003 Crop Circle Correlations
12/12/2003 2003?
1/30/2004 Swept into Disaster
2/29/2004 Tilting, Leaning, Dropping
5/29/2004 Orbit Lock
6/06/2004 Magnetic Trimesters
6/12/2004 Crop Circle Language
6/16/2004 Magnetic Resonance
6/18/2004 Flow Lines
6/23/2004 Serpentine Dance
6/25/2004 Slow 270° Roll
7/03/2004 Buzz on Out
7/08/2004 Asymmetrical Affair
7/08/2004 Ready to Tip
7/14/2004 Juxtapositioned Planets
7/18/2004 Not Nuclear
7/18/2004 Time Line Clues
7/27/2004 Mirror Ecliptic
8/05/2004 Reminders #1, #2, #3, #4
8/05/2004 Hoaxes
8/21/2004 Contorted Path
11/16/2004 November Reality
4/24/2005 Circle Simplicity
6/28/2005 2005 Season
8/23/2005 2005 Circle Trends
6/26/2006 2006 Season
7/01/2006 Magnetic Clash
7/23/2006 2006 Hoaxes
6/12/2007 2007 Crop Circles

7/11/2003 Changing Captains
10/11/2003 Not Politics
10/11/2003 Common Good
10/11/2003 Greater Need
10/31/2003 Lesser Evil
11/15/2003 Clash of Agendas
11/25/2003 Conflict Zones
1/5/2004 The Scapegoat
1/30/2004 Asian Flu Epidemic
3/13/2004 Likely Outcome
6/12/2004 Facilitate Discussion
7/03/2004 Thug Control
8/06/2004 Converging Signs
9/17/2004 Paper Promise
10/15/2004 Chupacabra Remnants
11/4/2004 Change Agent
11/6/2004 Dictatorships
11/6/2004 Broken Link
11/09/2005 France Riots
11/16/2005 Emanation Illness
1/25/2006 End Game Postures
2/17/2006 When Lies Fail
3/24/2006 Until the Last Days
5/20/2006 Morgellons
9/02/2006 Sudden Philanthropy
10/14/2006 Che Lives!
3/29/2008 Sudden Death
4/05/2008 Food Riots
10/11/2008 Market Crash
3/27/2009 Leadership Styles
10/29/2009 Disclosure

4/29/2004 Conservatives
6/27/2004 Leveling Wars
9/11/2004 In the Hands of Man
9/23/2004 Golden Rule
1/13/2005 Fatima Secret
4/22/2005 Pope Ratzinger
5/21/2005 Star Wars, Today
10/15/2005 Genetic Engineering
7/02/2006 Rampant Violence
10/07/2006 Amish Massacre
4/18/2007 Virginia Tech Massacre
12/02/2007 Nebraska Massacre

6/11/2003 Elite Exodus
6/28/2003 Agonizing Wait
6/28/2003 Pied Piper
7/05/2003 Big Lie
7/05/2003 Credibility Issues
7/05/2003 Cover-up Cracks
7/05/2003 Crack Examples
8/21/2003 Point of No Return
9/21/2003 Weak Explanation
9/21/2003 Driving Blind
9/21/2003 Tight Control
10/19/2003 Slipping Grip
11/18/2003 No Place to Run
11/20/2003 Spin Control
1/30/2004 Mars Press
2/15/2004 Ricin Plot
3/03/2004 Who Knows?
3/27/2004 Blockade Test
3/31/2004 Shelter-in-Place Test
4/29/2004 Unraveling
5/15/2004 Berg Beheading
6/03/2004 Ships Out to Sea
6/19/2004 Market Freefall
7/06/2004 Cover-up Consternation
7/11/2004 Terrorism?
8/12/2004 Public Perceptions
8/23/2004 Two Scenarios
9/07/2004 What They Fear
9/11/2004 Genesis
9/29/2004 If Gore Had Prevailed
9/29/2004 New Leadership
10/7/2004 Vaccine Failure
10/15/2004 October Surprise
11/3/2004 Diebold Wins
11/16/2004 Cabinet Exodus
11/18/2004 Military Shuffle
11/27/2004 Bush Busting
12/02/2004 Muzzling the Media
12/09/2004 Dead Astronomers
12/10/2004 ISS Evacuation
1/2/2005 Kerry's Concession
1/7/2005 Empathy by Proxy
1/7/2005 Russia, Da?
1/13/2005 Old Habits
2/27/2005 Wizard of Oz
3/17/2006 Iran Boondoggle
3/24/2005 Terri Schiavo
4/01/2005 Pedophilia Power
4/16/2005 Pandemic Threats
5/04/2005 Cover-up Erosion
6/07/2005 Sharing Secrets
6/19/2005 Candle Flickering
6/26/2005 Deep Impact
7/06/2005 Deep Impact Result
7/09/2005 London Bombing
8/11/2005 Shuttle Discovery
8/19/2005 Decapitation Process
9/07/2005 Why FEMA Failed
9/26/2005 Bush Counter-Coup
10/24/2005 Fitzgerald Indictments
12/19/2005 Face of Fear
1/15/2006 Bush Power Grab
2/23/2006 UAE Port Deal
2/25/2006 Iraq Civil War
3/04/2006 The India Caper
3/17/2006 Iran Boondoggle
3/23/2006 Corporate Thugs
4/08/2006 Nudging the Pandemic
On Point re 911
4/12/2006 Guest Worker Program
4/12/2006 Navy Dilemma
4/21/2006 China Visit
5/20/2006 Nazi in the White House
5/27/2006 Face to Face
6/03/2006 Rayburn Shootout
6/10/2006 Bilderberg Group (more)
6/10/2006 Continuity of Goverment
6/15/2006 An Inconvenient Truth
6/17/2006 Rove Squeeze
7/08/2006 Ken Lay
7/15/2006 Hezbollah Attacks
7/15/2006 G8 Summit
8/11/2006 10 Plane Plot
9/30/2006 October Surprise
10/21/2006 Falcon Depot
11/09/2006 Countering Fraud
12/30/2006 Saddam's Hanging
3/26/2007 Gonzales Saga
6/30/2007 UK Car Bombs
6/30/2007 Martial Law Attempts
7/21/2007 Executive Orders
8/14/2007 Rove's Resignation
8/24/2007 North American Union
9/08/2007 B52 Stolen Nukes
9/20/2007 Military Assassinations
9/27/2007 Bush on the Bottle
12/20/2007 Cheney Ablaze
12/29/2007 Bhutto's Assassination
1/10/2008 Hillary = Bush Lite
8/2/2008 McCain's Chances
4/12/2008 Grounding Airplanes
8/30/2008 McCain's VP
9/19/2009 Financier Suicides
8/21/2010 NASA Gambits
5/30/2003 Surging Magma
6/02/2003 Surging Switch
6/08/2003 3rd Magnet
6/11/2003 S. Pole Tug
6/22/2003 Stage Set
7/08/2003 Dust Cloud Arrival
7/15/2003 Point of Passage
8/20/2003 Sacred Orbits
8/28/2003 Float Past the Sun
10/29/2003 Charged Dust Cloud
11/29/2003 Light Illusion
1/19/2004 Precursor Drift
1/19/2004 Second Sunlight
1/24/2004 Dancing Partners
2/08/2004 What Magnets Do
2/27/2004 Venus and Mars
2/19/2004 Comets Come Early
3/04/2004 Venus, Playing Chicken
3/04/2004 Jerking Nancy Around
3/09/2004 Jupiter's Blue Ring
3/09/2004 23° is the Key
3/11/2004 Hazelwood Killer
3/15/2004 Dark Twin Visibility
3/15/2004 Whither the Earth?
3/15/2004 Meaning of Sedna
3/23/2004 Big Squeeze
3/26/2004 Waiting to Exhale
4/19/2004 Dark Twin
Light Particle Bonds
4/14/2004 Whiplash
5/9/2004 Plowing Ahead
5/20/2004 Newton's Clock
5/24/2004 Constellation View
5/25/2004 a Twirling Wobble
5/30/2004 June 8 Transit
6/09/2004 Bait and Switch
7/29/2004 Dance of the Moons
8/17/2004 Eye of the Storm
8/17/2004 Shrouded Monster
9/03/2004 Rings of Planet X
9/11/2004 Lull in the Eye
9/21/2004 EQ Clouds
9/21/2004 Photographic Proof
2/4/2005 Bigger and Closer
2/4/2005 Beneath the Dust
2/18/2005 Magma Voids
2/18/2005 Storm Clash
9/10/2005 by Human Hand
5/26/2006 Simulating the Seasons
7/01/2006 Solstice
3/10/2007 Intermittent Lurch
4/09/2007 IERS Flatlined
1/24/2008 Light Towers
4/10/2010 Dark Twin Looms

Being Human
9/02/2003 Disaster Reaction
7/16/2004 Soul Personalities
7/31/2004 Life, Downside Up
11/24/2004 Pending Partners
12/05/2004 The Insecure
2/21/2005 When Things Go Wrong
11/09/2005 Alzheimers
11/16/2005 Anorexia
9/08/2006 Grieving
3/12/2009 The Grudge
11/5/2009 Ukraine Plague

2/15/2004 Sicilian Fires
3/31/2004 The Phoenix
11/16/2005 Maitreya
5/06/2006 Da Vinci Code
10/12/2007 Steve Fossett

9/02/2003 Power Source
Burisch & Zetas
10/22/2006 Skyfish and Rods

9/02/2003 Rescue Demands
Moving Planets
6/27/2004 Things vs People
8/23/2004 No Delay
12/22/2004 Apparent Precision